Hey there, jet setter! 

Feeling some #wanderlust, or just need to get away? Whether you have to force yourself to take time off or you’re a frequent flyer, traveling can be taxing to the body and spirit. As someone with both a personal yoga practice and a lust for travel, I see no difference in intentionally approaching my practice on the mat and intentionally preparing for a trip. Over the years I’ve developed some tricks to keep myself healthy and happy (not to mention sane) while traveling. Before you head off on your next adventure, keep in mind these 10 budget-friendly, tried and true travel hacks from a yogi. 


Everyone knows that airports and planes are incubators for viral plague, and catching a cold can really put a damper on your vacation. This is why I always have immune support in my carry-on, and I love the OnGuard products by Doterra. Doterra makes super high quality essential oils and oil products, and OnGuard is their formula for protecting the immune system. I’ll take the beadlets orally in the days leading up to my trip, and then I’ll use the roller ball on the soles of my feet and acupressure points just before boarding a flight. The oils are small enough to be TSA-friendly, and do wonders if you feel like you might be coming down with a cold. Check out the OnGuard by Doterra line here.


Just like we want to protect our physical health, our spiritual health can always use an extra layer of padding while traveling. If crystals are your thing or maybe you’re curious about integrating them into your spiritual practice, grab some amethyst the next time you fly. In ancient times amethyst was a stone used to protect travelers from thieves, and is still one of the most protective stones against negative energy. It can also soothe anxiety and promote relaxation, allowing you to enjoy yourself that much more. Slip a small amethyst crystal in your pocket or wear it in jewelry to get your trip off to a positive and problem-free start.


I always have hand sanitizer on me, but I can’t stand the alcohol-based ones for their smell and how much they dry out your hands. Instead, I am obsessed with Clean Hands by Saje Natural Wellness. This essential-oil based lotion is antimicrobial to purify the skin and moisturize it at the same time. It will be your best friend when you want to snack on the airplane but there’s a line to wash your hands in the bathroom, and will save your hands from drying out in the recycled airplane air. Learn more about Clean Hands here.


Who says you have to leave your yoga practice at home? Most people won’t go through the trouble of packing a bulky yoga mat, and most hotel gyms don’t have great mat options either. Enter, the travel mat! A travel mat is basically any super thin mat that can be rolled or folded, and it’s light enough to pack in a suitcase. Several yoga brands make a 1 millimeter rubber mat, but I personally like this foldable mat by lululemon. It’s rubber on one side and yoga towel on the other side, and can roll or fold in any way you need to store it. Plus, I’m much more likely to get a little yoga practice in if I can do it in my hotel room or by the pool!


Staying hydrated is always important, don’t get me wrong. But there’s something about the dry air in a plane that makes me want to have extra water on hand. I refuse to buy plastic water bottles in the airport (heyyy Mother Earth), so I always make sure to carry a reusable one. I typically will drink the full bottle on the way to the airport so that it’s empty for TSA, and then find a drinking fountain to refill on the other side of security. Here’s the real hack: not every airport has as many water bottle fill stations as you would think, so don’t be afraid to hit up an airport bar or Starbucks barista and ask them to fill your bottle for you! I’m loyal to my S’well bottles because I prefer a metal water bottle with no fear of BPA or chemical leaching...check them out or find a brand that works for you!


I don’t have much else to say besides: this item must always be on my body when I fly. It’s the Vinyasa Scarf by lululemon, and it’s basically a blanket. Or an infinity scarf. Or a cardigan. For real, there are actually 7+ different ways to wear this thing. Mine always starts out as a chic infinity scarf with my plane outfit, and typically ends up as a full-body blanket when I can’t remember what time zone I’m in anymore.


Have I mentioned that recycled plane air is dry and gross? Maybe once. Let’s talk about what that means for your face (spoiler: it’s not good). I used to think that everyone had to look haggard after stepping off a long flight, until I started doing face masks on planes. Trust me, you’ll never fly without a mask again. One of my favorites is the Jet Lag Mask by Summer Fridays. It’s TSA friendly and comes as a light and refreshing cream, which I will typically apply all over my face and neck in the restroom just before boarding. If this product isn’t for you, I’ve also been known to use a good old fashioned sheet mask (like these from Innisfree). Just put it on discreetly in your seat while the plane is on the tarmac, and when it's time to remove simply rub the excess liquid into your skin to create a protective moisture barrier that will last the whole flight.


Long flights typically come with a lot of free time, which can sound like a luxury to some and be anxiety-provoking for others. For this reason, I always make sure I have a journal on hand and some meditation apps downloaded. Journaling helps me process any thoughts or feelings that come up before/after my trip, can help pass the time during a flight, and is a great way to document my experiences away from home. I also love meditation apps for planes because they can help relieve flight anxiety and are also super helpful if you’re trying to fall asleep. I often use Stop, Breathe & Think, and have heard great things about Headspace, Inscape, and Insight Timer.


Sleeping on an airplane is definitely not always the easiest (or most comfortable), but is sometimes the best hope you have of adjusting to a new time zone or getting the most out of your day when you land. When I want to ensure at least a couple hours of zzz’s, I pull out Sleep Well by Saje Natural Wellness. This is an essential oil blend with ingredients like lavender, valerian, and chamomile, and when I apply it just before boarding, it knocks me out every time.


I cannot stress this enough: stretch! This is the simplest, easiest, and cheapest (free) way to ensure you won’t stagger off the plane feeling like you need to find a massage ASAP. While I’m waiting in the terminal, I’ll do some flat back stretches by holding on to the back of a chair at the gate and flexing at the hips to a 90 degree angle, or cross my ankle over my opposite knee for a half-bound chair pose to open up my glutes and IT band. If you’re stuck on a long flight, use every opportunity to stand up! Walk around, stretch your quads by holding your foot near your glute on one leg, raise your arms up overhead and grab each wrist with the opposite hand to stretch your side body, etc. People might give you funny looks at first, but you’ll be so happy when you’re still feeling loose and comfortable 10 hours later!