Pose Series #6 \ Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II

 :: Warrior II

Feet grounded.

Front knee bent at 90º angle.

Knee over ankle (not past), foot facing straight ahead.

Back leg strong and straight.

Foot facing side.

Quads engaged.

Hips open to the side.

Tailbone tucked under.

Pelvis floor engaged (mula bandha).

Navel pulled in and up (uddiyana bandha).

Chest open to the side.

Shoulders relaxed, down your back, away from ears.

Arms strong and parallel to mat.

Palms facing down.

Hands and fingers strong and reaching away from each other.

Neck long, head relaxed.

Gaze (drishti) towards front hand.

B R E A T H E (ujjayi breath).
